Children who attend Nipaquay are expected to wear comfortable, appropriate and safe attire. Shorts may be worn but they may not be cut up the side jogging style, cut-offs or extremely short. We recommend shoes with rubber soles, buckles, ties or velcro. Dress shoes are not recommended because they are not comfortable for school play or physical education lessons. Hats may be worn outside only. For students’ safety, clothing must be appropriately sized.
For your child’s safety the following items are prohibited:
- Flip-flops, sandals, jellies, Crocs without heals, high-heeled shoes
- Lipstick and/or makeup
- Any type of clothing with suggestive words or pictures, advertisements for alcohol or tobacco
- Excessive jewelry including large wire, hoop or dangling earrings (anything that could be caught or snagged)
- Half-shirts/blouses (bare midriff)
- Strapless tops or dresses
- Hats worn in school buildings including classrooms
- Shoes with wheels
Parents of students not following the dress code described above may be contacted and asked to provide other clothing for the day. Your support of the Nipaquay Student Dress Policy is appreciated.